Proceed With Cara

Friday, May 27, 2005


Ringworm Ringworm Ringworm Ringworm Ringworm Ringworm Ringworm Ringworm Ringworm Ringworm Ringworm Ringworm. There. I got it out of my system. I will not freak out if I contract ringworm from working at an animal shelter. I will not imagine that I am itching at ringworm every time I feel an itch. I will take care of my itchiness by applying moisturizing lotion to my DRY SKIN - not my RINGWORMED skin - my DRY SKIN, which is itchy because it is DRY. Now, if I come home with ringworm it is not the end of the world. It is NOT actually a worm. It will not last long. It can be treated. I can avoid giving it to my cats. Even if my cats get it they will be fine. Okay, I'm going to go take a shower now and apply lotion afterwards to my DRY flaky skin, and I will not think about ringworm for the rest of the evening. If I do have a thought about ringworm I will quickly meditate on it and let it pass. I will not obsess.


  • At 1:53 AM, May 28, 2005 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Cara, there is a new product for cats that you put on the back of their neck and it protects them from ringworm (and fleas) for three months. Will look up the name for you. i'm the same way about purple. My blog is
    Tim and Danene had their baby! Te quiere, Tara


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