Proceed With Cara

Monday, June 27, 2005


Damnit. Here I go again falling in love with another cat. This one, Meowza, as he is so unforunately named, is contained in the isolation wards at work since he is new to the shelter and still being monitored for medical problems. He has long fluffy white fur with gray patches on his ears and tail. He is BEAUTIFUL, even though his fur is all matted and dirty from being a stray. As soon as I open his cage he puts his paws on my shoulders and climbs into my arms. He then proceeds to bury his furry little head into the crook of my elbow and purrs loudy and steadily. He acts like he is the happiest cat in the world when he's in my arms. If I sit down he plops down on my lap with me, and will lay in any position I put him in. He doesn't mind sitting on his rump with his back paws up in the air and his tail resting between his back legs as long as he is snug in my arms. How could I not love such a fella? I'm torn because I have three cats already. THREE! Now some people I work with have six or seven, but come on! Could I really manage four cats? The other thing is that even though I love Meowza, other people will too. He will probably be adopted in no time once he is placed on the adoption floor. I've always had it in mind that my next cat would be a special needs cat, or one that wouldn't be likely to be adopted. But then I think to myself, why shouldn't I have a healthy, happy adoptable cat like everyone else? I don't know what to do. I guess I'll just wait to see what happens within the next few days. I get paid and we are planning a trip to Alabama. There's a lot going on. So I guess I'll just settle for visiting his sweet little face whenever I get a chance. For now.


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