Something New?
My Massage I teacher, who is also an energy worker, asked me if there is anything new going on in my life. He said that sometimes he senses that a baby is crying and this time when he did we happened to be on break, he looked over at me, looked at my belly, which was partially exposed because I was stretched out on the floor, and knew that it was coming from my direction. He said that the sound of the baby is a metaphor for something new. I couldn't think of anything that stood out other than minor things going on at work and home. Later on he heard it again, and told me that he didn't think I was pregnant, but that something new is definitely happening. Intriguing. I sure hope it is something positive, whatever it is, and that it won't stress me out too much. Thought I'd share that. It might sound unusual, but Elias says things like this occasionally, and I have a great deal of respect for him. He spent two years in shamanic training, though he was raised Greek Orthodox, and is an excellent massage therapist and energy worker. He's also an amazing teacher. Anyway, I'm off to bed, and to hope that my day off tomorrow brings me delightful new experiences!
At 11:09 PM, June 08, 2005 , Anonymous said...
Let's see... you have a job you love. You are in massage school and (um) loving it. Your husband also likes his job. You are writing nearly everyday.
Things are good--good breeds good. Certainly there is something around the corner!
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