Proceed With Cara

Saturday, March 25, 2006

herbal gherl

After over a week of Chinese herbs, Dong Quai tea, and an acupuncture/hypnotherapy session last week can't say I feel any better.... Hmm... I guess it's just me being very impatient and wanting immediate results. It's that lovely time of the month again when my hormones kick into overdrive and I sprout hairs, grow fangs, and howl at the moon (and everyone else around me too). Oh, and I also changed my diet - lots of steamed greens for me - bleh. Oh well, I'm not giving up yet. I'd far rather endure more weeks of nastiness before the herbs finally kick in than try multiple pharmaceuticals that will jump start my mood in a day.

I have been sleeping better, but that's mostly because I stopped taking one of my other medications in the afternoons. I think. Anyway, this stuff is boring.

What's really interesting is the fact that when I urinate after taking these super high powered vitamins of which I now take 4 every day I see green like the antifreeze that leaks out of cars! Yipee! And I, for the first time in perhaps my life, can say that I use the toilet at the proper time in the morning like most people! But then again that may be from the new coffee I've been making at home with a "Moral Fiber" blueberry muffin from Trader Joes for breakfast. Or it could be the Aloe Vera capsules I take with the vitamins. Aw heck, who knows!

What it boils down to is I'm damn sick of trying to feel better. Nothing helps - at least not for long. I'm the same down and out depressed, moody, self-centered, snarly, bitchy, icky, nasty, lazy, good for nothin', ignorant, shit kickin', (oh wait, I was starting to talk about someone I knew in Kansas),', rantin' and ravin' lunatic of a woman there ever was!

So there.

So I'll take my herbs, but don't expect much more from me y'all.


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