Proceed With Cara

Sunday, October 30, 2005


Typical Sunday:
Wake up around 8:00. (Was able to sleep today due to the time change!) Shower maybe if I feel like it. Large iced coffee and either a chocolate chip muffin or a peanut butter and blackberry bagel at Beans & Bagels with Dave. Sunday crossword, or any crossword we can get our hands on in the shop. Finish the crossword then leave. Study Anatomy. Take a nap (very much needed as I feel like I'm still getting that awful medication out of my system. I have no energy). Check e-mail/blog, make myself some tea. Take a look at the Sprint PCS site for new cell phones (mine is dying). Monitor cats. Douglas Fur, Harrison and Allie are ALL on the bed together. Kind of suspicious. I feel like the boys are up to something. Dave doing music stuff in the "middle room". Debating whether or not to make a Trader Joes run. Should go grocery shopping before the week starts, but as I mentioned - I'm having serious problems with motivation. Waiting for the green tea to kick in. Thinking about later this evening. Do I watch tv? Do I try to get more laundry done? And what am I going to read when I go to bed tonight because the book I've been trying to get into isn't doing anything for me? Do I make a Borders run also? I need to call my family, but I'm not feeling very conversational right now, and have a tremendous desire to be by myself. I'm craving stupid-but-scary horror movies since tomorrow is Halloween. Remember to check the cable guide to see what is on tonight. When I typed the word "Halloween" I also got a craving for Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. Do they have those at Trader Joes? Doubt it.

I tell myself, "You need to do yoga. You need to get out and enjoy the fantastic Fall weather. At least get your ass off the chair and take a walk. Did you remember to do the litter boxes? Feed the fish? The 12-gallon tank needs a water change. Why don't you like to cook like other people? Why aren't you doing something creative? Your apartment is a mess, and you're sitting there typing on that stupid blog!"

Ah Sundays... I used to call it the Sunday Blues, but really it has nothing to do with the day of the week. Much more to do with how I manage my time away from work and school. I guess, in actuality, I'm just doing the best I can.


  • At 9:15 PM, October 31, 2005 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Did you consider God was depriving you of peace for not visiting Sunday morning?

  • At 7:40 AM, November 01, 2005 , Blogger Cara said...

    No. Sorry. That's a good one though.

  • At 4:36 PM, November 03, 2005 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Cara, I looked at the cats from the animal shelter at PetSmart last night, and the one I fell in love with a few months ago is STILL in there! I talked to my boyfriend about it, and he relented and so I think I'm gonna adopt her! Her name is Sunny (and my boy's name now is Sonny!)
    Coincidence? I think not!!!

  • At 10:09 PM, November 03, 2005 , Blogger Cara said...

    Congratulations! Who are you, anonymous? Are you Kate? Or are you Tara? Please let me know, cause I'm really curious.


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