Lovely Little Cat
Is Helen. She may not make it through the night. When I woke up this morning her breathing was labored, and she looked very frail. I took her to Tree House, and the vet gave her an IV and a nitroglycerin paste right away, and put her in an incubator. I had to work today, but then TH called to say that she was taken to North Center Animal Hospital. Dave and I picked her up from there this evening to take her to the Emergency Vet Clinic for the night. Her lungs have filled with fluid and her heart is quite enlarged. The vet at the emergency clinic said that she probably dislodged a clot or something, and this is why the condition came on so suddenly. I don't really know what that means, but I know now it wasn't anything Dave and I did or didn't do to make her condition worse. I've been blaming myself all day. She had lost 2 pounds of weight and I've been beating myself up about not having taken her in sooner. She doesn't let me pick her up so it was hard to tell that she had lost weight. I thought she might have lost some, but she was a little chunky when we brought her home so I figured it was okay. Anyway, it wasn't my fault, and we did the best we could for her, and continue to do so. She was happy in our home. So please keep Helen in your thoughts, and bless her little heart!
At 9:13 PM, September 09, 2005 , Beau said...
God bless your little cat. It is nice to know that you love and care for her so much.
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