Proceed With Cara

Monday, July 11, 2005

Cheer Up Miss Grumpy!

So I had a really nice time at the all-women's potluck. I whine about the silliest things, don't I? It was good to meet people my age or older, with unique jobs, married or not, pregnant or not, who all seemed to take a genuine interest in each other. The food was good too, and it was ALL vegetarian! There was this fantastic Jewish dessert thing with egg noodles, sour cream, cream cheese, and rum-soaked raisins. I can't remember the name of it, but I had about four pieces. One woman brought just cheese and crackers - a woman after my own heart - who hates to cook! I LOVE meeting people who hate to cook and aren't afraid to admit it!

After that I came home to a clean house. Dave had re-arranged the living room and dining room, and it looks great! I vacuumed and did the floors, and also continued on with my latest project - the kitchen, which I'm happy to say is almost done as well. I just need to clean out the fridge.

Today I work until 6:00, plan to pick Dave up from work, then we will go shopping for fish supplies in Skokie. We need to do some aquarium maintenance. We have five tanks currently running, all with fish, and only three of them are looking okay. The rest are over-run with algae, and all of the tanks need new filters.

I guess we've kicked into organizational mode. So good to do every once in awhile. I still need to take a bunch of stuff to goodwill, and have one bag ready to go. It is much easier to do with the car :)

All for now, I guess. I'm off to work.


  • At 12:19 AM, July 14, 2005 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    It was kugel. Not to be confused with keigle exercises.

    Yum! I had a blast and we'll be organizing another one this summer!



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