Helen Update
Another reason things are less than ideal right now is that we still don't know the status of Helen's health. This morning one of the clinic staff found Helen in the Development office with bloody puke all around her. She stopped vomiting, but when I arrived at work today, my last day at Tree House, poor Helen was in a cage again looking very sad and lethargic. She does have an ultrasound scheduled for next week - Tuesday or something, but we don't know what this vomiting thing is about. I'm more determined than ever to get her home, but she needs to be stabilized first.
At 9:29 AM, July 24, 2005 , David Dever said...
Think about the artifacts found during the excavations at Pompeii: what part of your life do you want to endure the ravages of time?
Are you a potter (whose work may be unmarked, but will survive layers of ash and soil for centuries)?
Are you a wealthy courtesan (who probably had hundreds of dishes and may not have cared about any single mundane implement)?
Are you a servant (whose only, precious, bowl my have been emtombed next to them when the lava and ash from the volcano settled upon them)?
Are you an archaeologist (whose life has been spent piecing together a forensic reality of what happened on one big day in ancient Italy)?
Or are you the volcano?
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