Proceed With Cara

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Release Me

I had a fantastic class tonight - Myofascial Release. If I spent the rest of my massage career doing myofascial work I think I'd be satisfied. It involves VERY slow movements of the fascia - the connective tissue surrounding our muscles and organs. People get restricted in certain areas due to injury, stress, or even memories that the body holds on to. These restrictions can last for many years, and therefore if someone actually takes the time and energy to do deep work like this the results are amazing. I literally felt my hip "unwinding". It felt like it was being subtly stretched and unraveled like a piece of yarn from a sweater. I had a restriction on the lower left side of my back that has been there for years slowly melt away like ice cream.

Though this wasn't actually mentioned in class it was our first real introduction to energy and intuitive work, which I'm really interested in. Most of it involves listening, breathing, and leaving your ego at the door. The body you're working on takes the lead and tells you what to do to it. Since I'm a fairly intuitive person this stuff comes naturally to me. I want to master it.

Cranio-sacral work is even more subtle than myofascial and we have our first cranio class on Thursday. I think I'll love this the most. Both techniques were developed by the osteopathic school of thought and in other countries are practiced very regularly. Incredible things can be accomplished...

I'll tell you more as I learn more, but I need to practice on Dave tonight. I promised I would...


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