Proceed With Cara

Friday, August 05, 2005

Ebb and Flow

I had my second class of craniosacral therapy last night. I've never had to sense someone's internal rhythms before. We are supposed to sense the actual movement of the cerebrospinal fluid through the dura mater (the outer membrane of the spinal cord and brain), and try to pick up on any imbalances between the right and left side of the bodies. These imbalances could indicate "restrictions" of the dural movement which can be the result of any number of medical problems. The key is to lock into the rhythms and to "release" the restrictions by focusing our intention and awareness and applying a nickel's weight of pressure on the various cranial "diaphragms" which are located throughout the body. Fascinating. Very difficult.

It is interesting how the left brain tries to tell you while you are trying to be aware and present while touching someone that you what you are trying to sense and feel is baloney. My left brain actually interjected at one point and said to me, "It's just a dead piece of meat". That is when I realized how much our own minds try to sabotage feeling sensitive and aware and tuning in to really know what is going on in the world. We were taught how to have conversations with our left brains about taking a break and allowing the right brain to take over for a while. This was interesting.

So what did I feel? I felt very subtle, wave-like motions. It felt like there was much more movement in some places than in others. In a few of the "listening stations" on the body I didn't feel anything, but then when I allowed this to be okay I began to feel the subtle movement again. It is barely perceptible, but if you allow yourself to be present you can feel it. It is so hard to be present when the left brain says such things!

Anyway, I want to learn more about this therapy. There are many components to it and to actually be able to practice it professionally I would need to become certified, which I may do. It involves a lot of intuition and careful attention, which I find I'm able to do well.

Other than that it has been a marathon week with work and school. I found one of my homeless clients housing yesterday, which felt great. I'm glad its Friday and that I have the weekends off again.


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