I know most people would laugh about me talking about aging at 30, but I feel compelled to mention some of the interesting things that I've noticed about my body now that I'm no longer young. For starters, I mentioned being sore the other day after having had a massage that was probably too deep. Well, it is now five days later and I'm still extremely achy. I've got new pains on top of the old ones too from doing some light lifting for work. My lower back feels totally screwed up, my pectoralis muscles ache, making it difficult to work with my arms, my neck is stiff, and my calves and feet are achy and swollen. Now I'm quite sure that my body did not respond in such ways to stress not more than a year ago.
My new friends, spider veins, are becoming more populous on my legs, and are snaking their way up from my ankles. I've stopped worrying too much about them because I know that they are hereditary (thanks Mom and Grandma!) and people who have worked as many jobs as I have that require long hours on the feet are more susceptible. My massage teacher likes to point out to my classmates that they need to not put too much pressure on them. I protest that they do not hurt me, but he just lays his hand on my shoulder and says, "I know Honey, I know."
I noticed a new mole on my left had this morning. Age spot? Why would a new mole suddenly appear on the pinky side of my palm? It's kinda cute, actually, but then I noticed that my hands are no longer young-looking, and that they've taken on a certain maternal quality - slightly puffy, not as graceful, larger around the knuckles, more wrinkly. My hands used to be one of my more attractive features.
The belly is definitely different. I've always had a pudgy belly, even when I'm super skinny. It used to be roundish, but now it is like I have a large water balloon attached to my abdomen. It droops down over my jeans and kind of pools at the bottom. I don't have many shirts that currently look good on me because of this.
My face is aging, and I started noticing more wrinkles a few years ago. It also has a slightly lumpy quality now that old acne scars are resurfacing and elasticity is being lost. It probably doesn't help that I smoked for 11 years, but I can tell you that it hasn't improved at all in the two years since I quit. I also see smokers all the time that have nice skin in their 40's and 50's. I don't get it.
My teeth are breaking and cracking. I found out three years ago that I still grind my teeth, so I was given a night guard to wear. Well I absolutely hated wearing it so for awhile I wasn't wearing it at all. Unfortunately this caused my teeth to chip even further, and I now have facets ground into all of my teeth which makes them thin and more prone to breaking. This is deeply disturbing to me, especially because I have re-occurring dreams about my teeth falling out.
Finally for the first time in all my life I have a butt. A nice round butt. My rear end used to be fairly flat and not so noticeable no matter what I wore. I couldn't really show it off when I was thinner because there was nothing there. Now I find that when I'm dressing I have to sort of pull pants and skirts around the pillows that are my buttocks. This I kind of like. I feel like I have something to waggle when I'm feeling sexy and if I do wear tighter jeans I have something to show for it. I just think it's funny how fat migrates to certain areas when I age, like it did with my tummy.
Anyway, enough about my aging body. There are other things too that I'll spare you from mentioning. I'll never have plastic surgery - I don't believe in it - but I must say that I can see myself being tempted. A little nip here, tuck there, Botox please, you know what I mean. And it is so commonplace now.
I want to learn how to love my body in spite of these changes. I want to feel like I have the option of not wearing make-up. I want to feel confident in my skin and in the clothes I wear. I was insecure about my body when by most standards it was great, but now that real changes are occurring and I'm no longer Miss Thing (not that I ever really was, but I did have some cute years), I really long for my physical youth again. Sigh. For now I'm going to concentrate on pampering away these aches and pains and popping Motrin while I'm at it. No serious house cleaning for me today. Nope. It is day off with a book day for me!